Sunday, 2 October 2011

Men Vs. Women thinking

So I go into my first MCM class this semester in the new SBM building, it was really lovely and the class was going great, until the professor brought up the question "Do men and women think in different ways?" naturally almost the whole class nodded in agreement, to which the professor replied to by "How so?" then comes the interesting part, without thinking and without really choosing my words, I say "Women are irrational". I could already feel most of the females in class hating on me, not a great way to make a first impression I know, I then went on to try and explain my point of view(under several angry stares), I really did not mean what I said, it was merely a poor choice of words, but I think not everyone was convinced and it is going to take more than that to clear the air!
How many times do I have to tell him its orchid and not purple!

Men and Women do indeed think differently, its obvious since our bodies are wired in different ways, these traits that affect why men and women think differently are hard wired into us for thousands of years now, probably because of the different roles that men and women had to play in society throughout history. Blame it on evolution ? may be. I do have enough evidence to back myself up, what I really meant to say by women are "irrational" (the more I think about it, the more I realize how stupid I was to say that :D) is that women seem to have emotions affecting their decision making while on the other side of the coin, men are very focused and they do not let other extraneous factors affect their way of thinking in a specific topic for example. This makes a very interesting subject for both genders and enable them to excel at different task or group of tasks! Click here or here or here to see what I am talking about.
Well, in my defense, no one told me that this car does not drive on railroads!

However, the professor later then explained that this way of thinking that is being noticed in both genders might be due to the way in which each gender has been raised in different societies, I have to admit that I did not really think about it in this way before BUT it somehow compliments my original theory and the findings that has been discovered my many researches (here & here) on this matter, if the way you raise each gender affects this gender's way of thinking then I am pretty sure the way men and women operated since Adam and Eve have a bog role into shaping up this modern male and female psychology.

Finally I would like to conclude by saying that there is no right or wrong way of thinking. Each gender has their own strength or weakness which makes each of them excel at a different tasks or group of tasks, I read sometimes back an article in which the author said that women for example can see colors better than men since they were responsible for getting berries and knowing the poisonous ones from the good ones by the slight variation in shades, while men are better in directions since they had to find their way back to the cave after a long day of hunting! Sorry for writing such a long article (I did not know it will turn out like this :/) and I would be more than happy to explain any ambiguity you find here, just drop a comment below.

You can also follow me on twitter @Ahmed Yosry


  1. Very well thought out post. Are there any stats on which gender has the most accidents? For I wonder how you define "better" driver?

    Thanks for the work!
    P. S.

  2. In reply to the comment made by (BLOG for Media Literacy) above,
    Firstly, thanks a lot for taking the time to read my article :)
    Second, according to my research all the stats on the number of accidents by genders are almost equal, which means that males and females drive at the same level, with an exception that young males get into more accidents than females and this, they also noticed that this is mostly because they are reckless.
    However, it was never mentioned in this article that males are better than females in driving, what was stated is that males are better than females in navigation sense and direction, and one of the links in the article leads to all the stats and the papers on this matter, I hope I clarified your doubt on this matter.
    Thank you.
